Essam's BBQ
Essam prepares the grill
Michelle, Sophie, and Svetlana
Keith and Kapin.
Jeurgen and Lolli.
David and Tessa
Patty and Gabbi.
Ali, Anna, Michelle, and Mikie
Jeurgen and Svetlana
Turning the tables on the paparazzi.
Amer and Ladan
Is that smoke coming out of my ears?
Anna and Mikie.
Essam's backyard.
Ali and Michelle.
Amer and Patty.
Jeurgen and Ladan.
Ladan and Tess
Corey finally has her sausage burnt to perfection.
Amer in his M3
Winnie and Essam
I can't believe Amer came down from San Francisco just to hang out with us.
"You won't see me in this boring place again!"